Révision du droit des successions 2023

La réduction des parts réservataires à partir du 1er janvier 2023 offre une nouvelle marge de manœuvre au testateur. Prenez vos dispositions de bonne heure et passez votre testament ou pacte successoral en revue. Une planification successorale soigneuse facilite le règlement de la succession et réduit les conflits potentiels entre les héritiers ou les bénéficiaires. Nos avocats vous accompagnent volontiers dans cette démarche.

The Financial Responsibilities of the Board of Directors in the Group

According to a further decision of the commercial court of the canton of Zurich in the Swissair case, the centralized management of the financing of a group of companies does not constitute a breach of the non-transferable and inalienable financial responsibilities of the board of directors of the controlled company.

Blockchain Taskforce Publishes Recommendations

The Blockchain Taskforce has released the White Paper with recommendations how to amend the current law to appropriately reflect the new developments in connection with the blockchain technology and Initial Coin Offerings.

The Mediation and Conciliation Network

Matthias Lerch has been recognized as Accredited Member and Representative Neutral in the Meditation and Conciliation Network. https://mediationhub.org/neutrals/list-of-panelists/?wpbdp_view=search&kw=lerch MCN panelists resolve multi-party, complex cases in virtually all areas of the law.

Toute Nouvelle Notaire Public

Andrea Hauser est maintenant également autorisée à notariser des actes authentiques. Elle exécute des actes authentiques ainsi que des légalisations en allemand, anglais et français.

Successful Conclusion of Complex Branch Closing

Reichlin Hess AG has successfully completed the closing of a Swiss branch with more than 80 employees of a leading international mobility service provider. In this project, numerous complex labour law issues had to be dealt with and several labour law litigation needed to be conducted.

Robotics and its Effects on the Law

Artificial Intelligence is no longer science fiction. In connection with the new Blockchain-based technologies, the legal world is not only facing major challenges in particular with regard to civil and criminal law, but is also experiencing a wide range of new and thrilling legal instruments to address contemporary business issues.