Taxes and Social Security Contributions of Foreign Board Members of Swiss Companies

Board members of Swiss companies have to deal with different issues regarding taxes and social security contributions if they have their domicile outside of Switzerland. Regarding taxation, the corresponding double tax treaties will be applicable. If the board member is a citizen of the EU, the applicable social security system will be determined in accordance with the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons between the EU and Switzerland.

Prohibition of Gifts as of 1.1.2023 – A Testator Who Disposes of His/Her Estate by Inheritance Contract May No Longer (Unilaterally) Make Any Gifts.

If spouses conclude an inheritance contract but would still like to be able to make gifts (after the death of the first spouse), this must now be explicitly mentioned in the inheritance contract. Why a inheritance contract? In practice, an inheritance contract is usually created when a testator wishes to benefit his/her husband or wife (“spouse”) as comprehensively as possible....

Cryptocurrencies: Tax values 2020 for Swiss net wealth tax purposes

The Swiss Federal Tax Administration (SFTA) has published the list of exchange rates of foreign currencies and cryptocurrencies as per December 31, 2020. The exchange rates are used to determine the tax values of foreign currencies and cryptocurrencies in CHF which individuals have to declare in their private tax declarations for net wealth tax purposes.