Advice in the entire area of private and public employment law
We render comprehensive advice to our clients, employers and employees, in regard to all private and public law issues (including tax and social security law) relating to the employment relationship. Our lawyers have great expertise and many years of sound experience in employment law and some have the title as Certified Specialist SBA Employment Law.
Our clients include renowned domestic and foreign industrial, trading and service companies, both large and small, as well as individuals.
In particular, we provide support in the following areas:
- Drafting and reviewing individual employment contracts and employment contract templates
- Drafting and reviewing employment regulations, expense regulations, vehicle regulations, codes of conduct and the like
- Preparation of employment enactments for public employers
- Development and review of employee participation models
- Advice on the termination of employment relationships subject to private law, in particular ordinary and extraordinary (without notice) terminations, termination agreements and indemnities
- Advice on the termination of employment relationships subject to public law
- Advice on restructuring processes (transfer of operations, collective redundancies and social compensation plans)
- Advice on job references
- Employment law related trainings of employees, especially human resources professionals
- Advice on the introduction of short-time work
- Advice on the introduction of new working time models and working time recording methods
- Advice on obtaining work permits for third-country nationals and EU/EFTA nationals
- Advice on night and Sunday work
- Advice on the hiring and employment of particularly vulnerable workers (pregnant women, minors, elderly employees, etc.) and in cases of inability to work due to illness (burnout etc.)
- Gender equality advice
- Counselling in conflict situations at the workplace